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Introduction to Plats

Plat maps are a type of map that shows land ownership. They are used to identify areas that are privately owned, and to make sure that public lands aren’t taken away by the government. Plat maps also help landowners find each other so they can negotiate contracts or share resources. A surveyor’s plat is a map that shows the exact boundaries of your property. It is approved by the local county or city government. This type of plat is usually required for any subdivisions, building permits, and more.

Why is it important for you to have a plat?

For the developer, a plat of property can be used as evidence of title and ownership. The plat will show boundary lines and describe the legal description of all subdivisions including road names, street names, parcel numbers, lot numbers, etc.

A plat is a legal description of all property with an official map of the same. The plat must show boundaries, street names and numbers, and lot numbers. It also must describe the legal subdivisions and should note any easements or rights-of-way that may be on your land.

Introduction to the Plats
Introduction to the Plats

What is a plat vs. plot

One of the first things you’ll notice is that there are lots of numbers on the map. The street number for each lot is listed, and in the middle of each property is a “parcel number” that’s assigned by the county assessor’s office and typically appears in large, bold, underlined type. The map scale is critical. If the scale is too small, you’ll have a hard time seeing details or accurately assessing the size of your lot. You should be able to identify all the lots on your property.

Why you’ll want to read a plat map

It’s much easier to visualize your property when you can see it in all its glory. A plat is a detailed map of your property and the lots surrounding it, allowing you determine how much room there is for everything that you’ve built. It’s especially helpful when you have a lot with an odd shape, like a house with an irregular plan or a garage that s built over the driveway. You’ll also be able to see if your property borders other properties or if it is surrounded by other lots of land.

Have your land surveyed

The surveyor will measure the size and shape of your property, as well as any existing structures. The plat will indicate what the boundaries are for each lot and how much room is between them. It will also show you how many feet in front of your property line are owned by each neighbor. Protect your investment. A survey gives you an official record of the boundaries of your land, which protects you from disputes with neighbors. It also makes it easier to sell or buy property if you ever need to move. Land is a valuable and important asset that you need to protect. As a homeowner, you are responsible for maintaining your property and its appearance.

Who can prepare a plat map?

The plat map can be prepared by a certified surveyor in the state of which the property resides. The plat map must be signed and dated by the party who prepared it, as well as by any other person who is present during its preparation.

Is a Plat Map Required?

A plat map is not required in all states. It is important to check with your local county or township clerk to determine whether a plat map must be prepared for each new lot or parcel of land that you purchase.

Plat Map Provisions

You must provide the plat map to the buyer. If you don’t plan on selling or inheriting the property, you must file a copy of the plat with your local registrar of deeds office. If you are selling, you should also keep a copy for yourself as well. The plat map must be true and accurate. You may not conceal any defects on the land or omit any information about the property (such as what it is used for, or if it has been used for another purpose in the past).

What are the Costs for a Plat Map/Survey?

It is not a requirement to use a plat map survey to prepare and record your property records. However, the cost for these services can vary greatly. If you decide to use a plat map survey, it is important that you hire professionals who are experienced in this area. The costs for plat maps can vary greatly. As a general rule, the cost for plat map surveys ranges from $250 to $600 or more in some cases. The price will depend on several factors such as the size of your property and the location of the surveyor’s office.